Well, here they come!! the first 'official' cheat keys confirmed by the ID guys. All you need to do is type the following cheats WHILE you're in the game. These are easier to use than the cheat keys for Wolfestein. iddqd Degreelessness mode. (God mode) idkfa Very Happy Ammo (full ammo + 200% armour) idspispopd No clipping idbehold followed by S, V, I, R, A, L for various things (menu) idclev followed by episode number and level number: warp idmypos prints your co-ordinates in hex. idchoppers prints 'Doesn't Suck - GM' (I think it gives God mode, full ammo) iddt use in AutoMap (don't know what it does, ID said try it) Enjoy, Bruce Waldmer